Week 6 Posting - DNS Root Servers

Hello everyone and welcome to week 6! We are officially more than halfway through the semester! This week we're going to be talking about DNS root servers, arguably the most critical piece of the Internet. If a large group of these were to go down, so would a large chunk of the internet. You may remember that FQDNs are read by a computer from right to left, and that there is a "." that we don't add to the end of URLs when we type them into our web browsers. That "." is the root server, the ".com" is on the top-level domain servers, and the rest is on the second-level DNS servers.  

Our text book incorrectly states that the DNS root consists of 13 server clusters. As you can see below, there's a couple more than that.

What it meant to say is that all of the DNS root clusters in the world are controlled by 12 "named authorizes"  Though each server cluster controlled by a particular organization share the same IP address, which you can see in the awesome interactive map over at root-servers.org.

If you want to learn more, definitely check out the website above, as well as iana.org/domains/root/servers

See you all next week!


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